
5e tuning fork sword
5e tuning fork sword

If the spell is successful, the item can be discarded on the following round, but the curse reasserts itself if the item is used again. The DC of the caster level check to undo the curse is equal to 10 + the item’s caster level. These items can only be discarded after the character or item is targeted by a remove curse or similar magic. Others reappear even if discarded or are impossible to throw away.

5e tuning fork sword

Removing Cursed Items: While some cursed items can be simply discarded, others force a compulsion upon the user to keep the item, no matter the costs. If the item is known to be cursed, the nature of the curse can be determined using the standard DC to identify the item. If the check is not made by 10 or more, but still succeeds, all that is revealed is the magic item’s original intent. Identifying Cursed Items: Cursed items are identified like any other magic item with one exception: unless the check made to identify the item exceeds the DC by 10 or more, the curse is not detected. When a magic item creation skill check fails by 5 or more, roll on Table: Common Item Curses to determine the type of curse possessed by the item. While many of these items still have functions, they either do not work as intended or come with serious drawbacks.

5e tuning fork sword

Instead they are the result of rushed work, inexperienced crafters, or a lack of proper components. Cursed items are almost never made intentionally.

5e tuning fork sword

Occasionally they mix bad with good, forcing characters to make difficult choices. Cursed items are any magic items with some sort of potentially negative impact on the user.

5e tuning fork sword